Donald Rufus Gilreath, of Charlotte, NC, died on December 14, 2021, while in residence at Covenant Village. Don was born on December 16, 1946, in Gastonia. He was preceded in death by his parents, Rufus and Nell Gilreath.
Don attended Mars Hill College where he earned a degree in accounting. He worked at Price Waterhouse as a CPA and was a longtime member of the AICPA. He achieved many successes when he went to work in private industry, often creating unique cost cutting measures. Eventually Don took over his parents’ company, Textile Screens, and became a successful entrepreneur. Renaming the company, TSI Filtration, he utilized his experience and ingenuity to expand the company into a successful and multifaceted business. A work colleague once said of Don, “I appreciate you for believing in me, teaching me to always treat people right, and showing me how fun and rewarding life can be if you are humble and dream big. You are a hero to me.” After retirement, Don’s son, David, became owner of TSI Filtration, now successfully leading the company into its third generation of ownership.
Don is survived by his wife, Polly, his sister, Gail Ledford, his two sons, Michael and David from his first marriage to Anne Gilreath, his grandchildren Ragan, Landon, Estelle, Molly, and step-grandchild, Kyla.
Don was an avid reader of the newspaper and follower of broadcast news. He would have lively conversations about newsworthy events and politics with his wife. Don enjoyed traveling, especially cruising. He took pleasure in Coastal Living magazine, but most of all was fond of the NC coast, walking the beach and searching for sharks teeth. He passed on this hobby to his grandchildren.
Don’s generosity and kindness will long live in the memories of those who loved him.
Donations can be made to the Alzheimer’s Association in memory of his remarkable life.
Sandra Elaine Slutsky (Hutto)
Condolences to Don's family. May his memory be a blessing.
Susan Whitesides (Bentley)
Praying for his family during his passing.🙂