Walter Vaughan Davidson jr

Profile Updated: February 14, 2023
Walter Vaughan Davidson jr
Residing In charleston, SC USA
Spouse/Partner salley barton davidson
Occupation retired : CHS and Rolle, Suisse
Children walter vaughan davidson 3d "trey" 1980

charles barton davidson 1987

grandson "John More…byrnes barton davidson" 12/29/21
Military Service special operations commander 1stLT  
Yes! Attending Reunion
Attending Bar-B-Que At Rankin Lake (06/06/14)


Attending Group picture and Ashley Arms tour (06/07/14)


Attending Gastonia Conference Center Dinner (06/07/14)



i live in paradis - i have been fortuitous - any classmate riding by 35Legare is welcome to stop knock enter & have a drink - i answer my cell from family otherwise i am an email person -

i entered NCSU fall 1964 - i immediately discovered fraternity life & girls from meredith st marys & drinking & partying joining a fraternity and moving into the fraternity house - by may 1965 i had flunked out - i wandered till nov 1965 i entered USarmy as an E1 private basic training ft jackson SC - apparently i scored hi on the army's entrance papers & was recruited to go to OCS after being interviewed by 3 officers - VN was burning 2dLTs - wow then i thought here i was a 19y flunkie & going to infantry OCS to be commissioned a 2dLT when i just turned 20y - i was lucky - i was commissioned an infantry 2dLT nov 1966 - i had a red austin healey and drove the southern route across america thru texas NM AZ into san diego CA up the pacific coast line to big sur carmel monetery ft ord CA - i lived big sur near esalen nepenthe with hippies pot - i spent long weekends in sausalito & SF haight-asbury district - i was in heaven with hippies / women / smart folks - in early june 1967 i was airborne across the big pnd pacific heading to VN 101st airborne infantry platoon leader - when airborne we were told that israel had attacked the arabs premptively - when i was dropped off in a jungle resupply, as i got off the chopper i replaced a platoon leader who handed me his car15 and said good luck amigo - airborne - i was a abn plt leader till nov-dec when recruited by 5th special forces - a new unit called E Co LRP 20th INF abn was toperform special operations - the first plat leader was killed & i was to replace - our unit was all triple volunteers - we were the army's elite combat abirborne ranger special forces - in ocs, when commisisoned every new officer executes a wish list - 3 selections for a duty station after ocs - i knew all INF officers would be sent to VN thus i made the decision to make the leap knowing i would not be sent immediately - i asked FIRST to be sent to VN w/ 101st ABN b/c they were considered the best & i wanted to be with the best - SECOND i asked for ft ord [big sur carmel monterey] - again, i was lucky - i recall checking into ft ord CA having lost my military ID so i had another made with my birthday 1945 b/c 21y was the drinking age & i was a fresh 20y old - i enjoyed my CA hippies and was there in may 1967 rgw 1st monterey jazz festival w/ jimmie hendrix - when i returned from VN i went to chicago to see some SF pals and we were in the street when mayor daley released his goons - i will never forget the 1968 chicago democratic convention - it was brutal - welcome back !!

while in VN, i sent a postcard to UNC admissions, chapel hill - i recall in nov when released from military, i took a road trip to chapel hill, located the admission's office and went inside asking to meet with the director - some how i got him & we spoke and he told me he was ex USMC - he said i could start jan 1969 but i had to start w/ the NCSU .5 GPA - using the gi bill 1969-1971 w/ a 3.3gpa finishing under grad in 2 yrs -started unc MBA 1972-1974 picking up all the accuinting courses in the 2 summer school sessions passing CPA exam - graduating unc mba w/ cpa i was recruited by all BIG8 - when i knew i was VN bound, i chose the most elite - my lowest offer was aa&co but aa&co were special forces abn rgrs LRPs - the smartest men i have ever been aorund collectively - in 1974 i helped open the greensboro NC aa& co office - i 1977 i was selected to assist opening the columbia SC aa&co office -i met my wife salley thatcher barton in cola - salley's mother was a charlestonian who married salley's nyc father - salley was a border at ashley hall, chas, where her mom & aunt attended - salley went to converse, uscalifornia & usc w/ graduate degrees and is a practicing professional audiologist with -

Sally Vaughan retired with both sons in the neighborhood - life is good -

School Story

1964 to 1965 NC State engineering
1965 to 1966 Usarmy infantry OCS ft benning commissioned 2dLT
1967 to 1968 VietNam 1stLT VN spec ops 5thSF abn ranger LRP
1969 to 1971 University North Carolina 3.3GPA BS accounting
1972 to 1974 UNC MbA
1974 to 1981 Arthur andersen & co auditor CpA
1981 to 2013 Self employed Charleston
2014 forever Retired

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Feb 13, 2024 at 11:20 AM

its your day to be alive - happy B day !!

Feb 12, 2024 at 11:20 AM

happy birthday Jane = I remember you well -

Walter Vaughan Davidson jr posted a message. New comment added.
Jan 18, 2024 at 7:43 AM

Posted on: Jan 17, 2024 at 6:06 PM

happy B day Eddie - great to be alive -

Jan 14, 2024 at 1:19 PM

happy birthday Captain -

Jan 14, 2024 at 1:18 PM

happy birthday Francine - bonjour shalom salaam aleicum peace

Jan 11, 2024 at 11:49 AM

happy birth beverly

Jan 06, 2024 at 4:33 PM

if in Charleston, let me know - 843 872 8183 - I was cos nov 1966 - vn 101st ban 1967 - charlies rangers 1968

Jan 03, 2024 at 12:06 PM

happy new year Robert

Dec 22, 2023 at 2:22 PM

merry christmas James - have a wonderful new year with your kiddies

Walter Vaughan Davidson jr posted a message. New comment added.
Dec 23, 2023 at 9:01 PM

Posted on: Dec 22, 2023 at 2:20 PM

merry Christmas sweet becky - happy new year - stay healthy cherish your kiddies

Walter Vaughan Davidson jr posted a message. New comment added.
Sep 25, 2023 at 11:49 AM

Posted on: Sep 24, 2023 at 1:21 PM

happy day for you - great to be 77y as are Branson Clinton gore trump - real baby boomers all

Sep 21, 2023 at 5:41 PM

Have a great birthday!

Walter Vaughan Davidson jr has a birthday today. New comment added.
Sep 21, 2023 at 12:16 PM

Posted on: Sep 21, 2023 at 4:33 AM

Sep 09, 2023 at 12:22 PM

atta boy Lamar - grudges are unsustainable & not healthy

May 13, 2023 at 12:05 PM

happy birthday Martha

Walter Vaughan Davidson jr posted a message. New comment added.
May 21, 2023 at 6:03 PM

Posted on: May 13, 2023 at 12:04 PM

happy Bday sweet Ann

Apr 28, 2023 at 12:05 PM

happy birthday David - life is great -

Apr 22, 2023 at 1:54 PM

happy birthday Sandra

Apr 22, 2023 at 1:54 PM

happy birthday libby

Apr 19, 2023 at 1:00 PM

so many grandkiddies - atta girl - atta boy Clyde

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Posted: Dec 28, 2013 at 4:37 PM
Posted: Dec 17, 2013 at 1:33 AM
Posted: Dec 17, 2013 at 1:33 AM
Posted: Dec 17, 2013 at 1:33 AM